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How do I resolve “Access Denied” errors when connecting to MariaDB?

310 163 point-admin
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The “Access Denied” error in MariaDB usually occurs due to issues with user authentication or permission settings. Here’s how to troubleshoot it:

1. Check Username and Password

Ensure that you’re using the correct credentials. If you’re unsure, you can reset the password by accessing MariaDB as the root user:

bashCopy codemysql -u root -p

Then, reset the password for the desired user:

sqlCopy codeALTER USER 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'new_password';

2. Host Permissions

MariaDB uses the combination of username and host to authenticate. Ensure that your user has access from the correct host. To grant access for a specific IP or all IPs (%):

sqlCopy codeGRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'username'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

If you’re connecting from a remote machine, make sure your MariaDB server allows remote connections by editing the my.cnf configuration file:

bashCopy codesudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf

Look for the line bind-address and change it to to allow all IPs.

3. Database Permissions

Check if the user has the required privileges on the database they are trying to access:

sqlCopy codeSHOW GRANTS FOR 'username'@'localhost';

If the necessary permissions are missing, grant them:

sqlCopy codeGRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON database_name.* TO 'username'@'localhost';

4. Firewall and Port Issues

Ensure that MariaDB is listening on the correct port (default is 3306) and that no firewall is blocking the connection. You can check the port in the my.cnf file:

bashCopy code[mysqld]
port = 3306

You can also check the firewall settings to make sure port 3306 is open.

5. Privilege Table Reload

If changes are not being reflected, force MariaDB to reload the privilege tables by running:



Resolving “Access Denied” errors typically involves checking credentials, host permissions, database privileges, and configuration settings. By systematically checking these areas, you can troubleshoot the issue and ensure that the user has the correct access.


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