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Explain the concept of metaprogramming in Ruby

318 159 point-admin

Metaprogramming in Ruby is a powerful feature that allows programmers to write code that can manipulate or alter other code at runtime. This capability is often used to create flexible and reusable code. Here’s a detailed explanation of metaprogramming in Ruby: Key Concepts of Metaprogramming Definition: Metaprogramming is the process of writing code that writes…

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Why is my variable returning nil outside of a block?

318 159 point-admin

In Ruby, a common issue arises when variables inside a block return nil outside the block. This behavior typically occurs due to scope limitations. Let’s break this down. 1. Block Scope in Ruby Variables defined inside a block are local to the block. This means they are inaccessible outside the block. Example: rubyCopy code[1, 2,…

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Why is my variable returning nil outside of a block?

318 159 point-admin

In Ruby, variables can sometimes return nil when accessed outside of their defined scope, especially within blocks. This behavior is rooted in Ruby’s variable scoping rules. Understanding Variable Scope Variables in Ruby have different scopes, which determine where they can be accessed. The primary types of scope include: Local Variables: Defined within a method or…

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